


Utrjeno mesto je leta 1593 zgradila Beneška republika in je od leta 2017 del Unescove svetovne dediščine. Vzorčno renesančno mesto in primer vojaške arhitekture.

Built in 1593 by the Republic of Venice, Palmanova is a fortress-city preserved in exemplary condition. A national monument since 1960, in 2017 it became part of the Unesco World Heritage on the transnational site Opere di difesa veneziane tra il XVI e il XVII secolo: Stato da Terra – Stato da Mar occidentale (Venetian Works of Defence between the 16th and 17th Centuries: Stato da Terra – Western Stato da Mar”).

With its perfect nine-pointed star shape, monumental entrance gates and the three circles of fortifications from the 16th, 17th and 19th centuries, Palmanova is at the same time a model Renaissance city and an example of military architecture that reveals in concrete detail to the visitor the technical developments of the science of fortification construction in the modern era. The Piazza Grande, a large parade ground located in the exact centre of the fortress city, hosts the permanent exhibition Strumenti e macchine artificiose per costruire la fortezza di Palma (Instruments and artificial machines used to build the fortress of Palma) which reproduces in real dimensions some of the machines used to build Palmanova.

Since 2018 Palmanova has been part of the Most Beautiful Villages of Italy network.

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