


Sacile, ki mu zaradi arhitekture v beneškem slogu pravijo "vrt Serenissime", je renesančno mesto par excellence. Obiščite katedralo San Nicolò, cerkev Madonna della Pietà in palačo Ragazzoni. Ne zamudite tradicionalnega festivala Sagra dei Osei, ki je eden najstarejših v Italiji.

The history, culture and even the name of this town are linked to the river, the Livenza.

Architecture The town, known as the "Garden of the Serenissima" because of its Venice-like atmosphere, is renowned for the harmony of its architecture, with a series of fine Venetian-style palaces lining the river bank and reflecting in the water.

Worth visiting are the cathedral of San Nicolò (Saint Nicholas), named after the patron saint of the town and sailors on the river, and the Church of the Madonna della Pietà and Piazza del Popolo, flanked by beautiful porticoed buildings.

Sacile, with its numerous sixteenth century palaces, including the splendid Loggia Comunale and, above all, the Palazzo Ragazzoni Flangini Billia, is the perfect Renaissance town.

Many of the buildings have ornamental Renaissance or Baroque-style motifs, making Sacile, with its network of little bridges and alleyways leading to beautiful hidden corners, a delightful place just to stroll around in.

In August each year there is the traditional Sagra dei Osei, one of oldest village festivals in Italy, with a big market-exhibition of birds and a birdsong competition.
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R57520 Paesaggio E Fiume Livenza Sacile  Fotociol 0100004428 Jpg
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