
Valvasone Arzene


Obiščite starodavno srednjeveško vas, grad s poznogotskimi in renesančnimi freskami, katedralo Najsvetejšega Rešnjega telesa ter cerkev svetih Petra, Pavla in opata Antona.

The village which has kept intact its medieval appearance The village of Valvasone keeps intact its medieval appearance consisting of lovely streets and ancient dwellings endowed with porches.

The imposing castle, dominating a square by the same name, houses late-gothic and Renaissance frescoes and a precious wooden theatre from the 18th century.

The Duomo of the Holy Body of Christ, which owes its title to the relic of the miracle of the Sacred Tablecloth preserved there, houses a monumental organ, the only example in Italy of fifteenth century Venetian organ art, embellished by the wonderful artistic frame of Pordenone and Pomponio Amalteo.

The Church of St Peter, Paul and Anthony the Abbot, once a Hospice sheltering pilgrims and travellers, preserves valuable fifteenth-century frescoes and a sixteenth-century portative organ. The cloister of the former Convent dei Serviti is also fascinating, built in the fifteenth century and now partially rebuilt on its ancient foundations.

Via Erasmo, n.1
33098 - Valvasone Arzene (PN)
ph.: + 39 0434 898898
Mob: + 39 349 2266995

Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R72353 Borgo Di Valvasone Castello Ph Archivio Comune Di Valvasone Arzene Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R72391 Borgo Di Valvasone Ph Archivio Comune Di Valvasone Arzene Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R72392 Borgo Di Valvasone Ph Fabrizio Palombieri Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R72393 Borgo Di Valvasone Piazza Del Castello Ph Archivio Comune Di Valvasone Arzene Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R72394 File Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R72395 Borgo Di Valvasone Teatrino Ph Archivio Comune Di Valvasone Arzene Jpg

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