Wind House Projekt Muzej burje

Via Belpoggio, 9, 34123 Trieste TS

Wind House Projekt Muzej burje

Obiščite dokumentacijski center in odkrijte vetrne zanimivosti Trsta in širše. Sestavljajo ga trije deli: arhiv Muzeja burje, arhiv Družine Polli, arhiv Vetrov sveta.

The Wind House or Magazzino dei Venti - Progetto Bora Museum of Trieste is the space for wind and imagination.
It is the laboratory, the showcase of an idea: to create in Trieste the "North-East wind and Wind Museum" or Museo della Bora e del Vento. A "museum in progress" to become familiar with the project, in its intimate and cosy dimension.

A small documentation centre, where you will discover books and Aeolian curiosities from Trieste (for example the famous Bora's ropes) and the rest of the world (for example the "pindekan" of Bali).
In the exhibition there is also the so called "Progetto dei Cento Venti" (The hundred winds' Project) dedicated to close and far winds.

In the Wind house you can visit three sections: the archives of the Bora Museum, which is a small library with audiovisual multimedia material; the archives of the Polli family that preserves different materials collected by a great scholar of the north-east wind, prof. Silvio Polli; the archives of World Winds that includes an amusing collection of winds of different geographical areas in personalized containers.

Guided tours
Document archives

Wind House - Magazzino dei Venti
Via Belpoggio, 9
I - 34124 Trieste
Tel.: +39 040 307478

Opening Times
Visits with reservation only

Free admission

For detailed and up-to-date information on access with pets, please contact the structure.

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