Wine Museum Vigneti Pittaro Tfvg 11764


Wine Museum Vigneti Pittaro Tfvg 11764
The Wine Museum Vineyards Pittaro is a permanent exhibition of tools and objects for viticulture, winemaking, wine conservation and wine tasting.

The wine museum in Codroipo is divided into three sections: collection of wine containers; the history of viticulture and glassware; vineyards and the modern cellar.

There you will admire wine amphoras from Roman times, Biedermeier glasses and glassware from Murano, jugs, pitchers, bottles from different ages, goblets and cruets for religious use, etc.

The Wine Museum Vineyards Pittaro presents a reconstruction, with original objects and material, of a printer's workshop for the printing of labels, the barrel-­maker's workshop, a workshop for cork production, the cellar, the inn, the laboratories for weighing and measuring wine, the distillery, the glassmaker's workshop.

Wine Museum: Vineyards Pittaro
Via Udine, 67 - Frazione Zompicchia
I - 33033 Codroipo (UD)
Tel.: +39 0432 904726
Fax: +39 0432 908530

Opening hours
Please visit the website


Free admission

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