
San Giovanni al Natisone


To je delavnica Giannija Cantaruttija, strokovnjaka za les in iskalca lesa, v kateri zbira katalog 1000 vrst lesa, razstavo umetnin in mednarodnih rokodelskih izdelkov.

A man and his passion turn an ordinary warehouse into an amazing journey around the world inspired by a unique element: wood. But you would never say that wood is able to express itself in such an unexpected variety of ways...

Gianni Cantarutti, a wood expert and wood seeker, has successfully turned his greatest interest into his job. His xylotheque, born from his desire to share passions and know-how, is a classified catalogue of 1,000 wood species, an exhibition of international art and craft objects, a laboratory, a studio and a place of gatherings and stories.

It also represents a part of the history of this area, the “Chair district”, which, until a few years ago, included many small and large industries in the sector.
  Once upon a time there was....
A king! - my little readers will immediately say.
No, kids, you are wrong. Once upon a time there was a piece of wood.
[Carlo Collodi, The Adventures of Pinocchio: The Story of a Puppet]  
Xyloteca by Gianni Cantarutti
via Casali, 56
33048 San Giovanni al Natisone
ph. 0039 333 7442296

Open by reservation only
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Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R99583 Cantarutti2 1920 Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R99584 Cantarutti3 1920 Jpg

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