EGTC GO assembly, Paolo Petiziol confirmed as President

7/31/2024 from 00:00 To 23:59

EGTC GO assembly, Paolo Petiziol confirmed as President

EGTC GO assembly, Paolo Petiziol confirmed as President

The EGTC GO Assembly unanimously elects Paolo Petiziolo as President, whose term of office expires on 14 June. The Assembly, which met yesterday afternoon, thus reconfirmed him as President of the European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation for another two years. Mr Petiziol will become a member of the Assembly in 2020 and its President in 2021.

The Assembly also confirmed some of the members appointed by the Municipality of Gorizia. Following the green light given by the Gorizia Municipal Council on 1 July 2024, the mandate of Roberta Chersevani, Paolo Petiziol, Alessandro Puhali, Livio Semolic and Pierluigi Medeoto will therefore continue. Mara Cernic and Gianluigi Chiozzo, members of the Assembly for the last four years, have been replaced by new members Chiara Ascari and Nevio Costanzo. The term of office of the members of the Assembly, who were appointed by the Municipalities of Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba, will expire in 2026.

The Assembly also heard reports on the work of the standing committees, which have met again in recent months. EGTC GO wants to put the work of the committees back at the heart of its activities; the first results of this medium- and long-term objective are already visible.

Finding the right European calls for tender for the post-2025 period is one of the objectives of all the committees, which, as we know, cover transport, health, environment, urban planning, culture and education, sport and energy.

Within the Transport Committee, the establishment of a technical working table and the further development of cooperation with Sdag are planned; in addition, a study visit to the Euregio Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino area is planned. The Health Committee intends to set priorities for future projects in the near future and to involve the Slovenian health authorities more actively. The Environment Committee is planning a meeting with Arpa and Arso in autumn 2024 on the issue of emissions from the asphalt plant in Vrtojba.

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