
Discussion on the potential of heritage tourism in the development of the Vipava Valley destination

Discussion on the potential of heritage tourism in the development of the Vipava Valley destination

The Municipality of Ajdovščina in collaboration with the Phoenician Cultural Route is organising a discussion on the potential of heritage tourism in the development of the Vipava Valley destination.

Together with the key stakeholders from the heritage sector, different positions, roles and competences in order to influence its development, will be addressed. Opportunities for individuals or organisations will be highlighted. Good practices of local initiatives and their relevance to the area and people of the Vipava Valley and beyond, will be presented.

The Director of the Council of Europe's Phoenician Cultural Route, Mr Antonio Barone, expert in the development of heritage tourism in the Mediterranean region, will be involved in the discussion. On this occasion, he will also present an exhibition on the Cultural Route and its partners, including the Municipality of Ajdovščina.

This will be followed by presentations of various aspects of heritage tourism in the Vipava Valley by key stakeholders in the area, such as: Nova Gorica and Vipava Valley Tourist Board, Burjatik d.o.o., The Pilon Gallery of Ajdovščina, Goriška regional museum, the National Museum of Slovenia, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (Nova Gorica Unit), the University of Nova Gorica and the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Nova Gorica Unit).

Language info

Event language: EN


Step-free access


Organizer email eu.projects@ajdovscina.si Organizer phone number 00386 5 36 59 144

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