Pozejdonove muke

The torments of Poseidon, a scientific/artistic  exhibition curated by GLOBE ITALIA APS Association. The theme of the exhibition is  the emergency of increasing presence of microplastics in the environment, and especially in waters. 

The exhibition has been extended until 16 March 2025.

Opening hours: Tuesday 11 to Friday 14 March - 2-6 pm

Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 March - 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.


From February 20th to March 10th,  the exhibition will be open to visitors in Palmanova, the first stop in the region. The exhibition has an informative nature and is structured  into different sections illustrating the life cycle of microplastics , from their origin to their accumulation in the environment and in the food chain. The current state of scientific knowledge for the quantification of both the phenomenon and the impacts on ecosystems and health is outlined, along with the possible innovations and mitigations.

The visitor will find himself in an immersive environment and  will be guided through graphics, image galleries, videos, installations, artistic works, testimonies of ongoing research at a local and international level. He will also be able to perform  laboratory activities, in order to experience the phases of the Microplastics Monitoring Protocol (MMP) which  GLOBE ITALIA APS Association, curator of the exhibition, is contributing to implement in schools and universities of  different world regions from 2021. The project has already trained over 700 teachers to monitor the presence of microplastics in bodies of water, raising awareness among students and citizens of this environmental emergency. FOR SCHOOLS:  Guided workshops are available upon reservation, with some flexibility regarding timetables, for schools of all levels. Duration of the visit: approximately 2 hours.  BOOKING   at the following link https://forms.gle/oDPQqdaxTWDrgxpF6 The exhibition will again be available in September in Gorizia, as part of the program of events “GO!2025 Nova Gorica- Gorizia European Capitol of Culture”.  A compendium, of an itinerant nature, will be taken to various municipalities in the Region. COLLATERAL EVENTS: CONFERENCE  “The Threat of Microplastics “ Friday 28-2-25 5pm at Caserma Montesanto in Palmanova. Informative-scientific conference Target: citizens, researchers, University students, High School students and  teachers, EELL, Cultural Associations, educators. 

Open to the public until seats last. HACKATHON FOR SCHOOLS: Caserma Montesanto, Palmanova 6-7-8 March 2025  Full-immersion Hackathon for about sixty students, connecting scientific world and art world on the topic of Microplastics.  Target: selected students from High Schools of FVG Region and Slovenia (by invitation)   Exhibition, Conference and Hackathon are actions of  MICROPLA Sc/Art  Project  of Associazione GLOBE ITALIA APS, supported by  Friuli Venezia Giulia Region among the cultural initiatives leading up to the event.

Language info

Event language: IT, SL Subtitles: EN, IT, SL


Step-free access


Not applicable


Organizer email globemostra@gmail.com Organizer phone number +39 3382106828

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