
From Boccioni to Martini. Art in the Venices at the time of Ungaretti on the Karst

10/26/2024 - 5/4/2025
- wednesday, thursday, friday from 9.00 To 13.00, from 14.00 To 18.00
- saturday from 9.00 To 19.00
- Sunday from 9.00 To 18.00

Linea d'ombra srlStrada di Sant'Artemio 6/8(ingresso da via Ghirlanda)31100 TrevisoUffici0422 3095info@lineadombra.itCall Center

From Boccioni to Martini. Art in the Venices at the time of Ungaretti on the Karst

The exhibition is one of two chapters in the extensive multidisciplinary project Ungaretti poeta e soldato. The Karst and the Soul of the World. Poems painting history, which will take place on the same dates at the Museo di Santa Chiara in Gorizia. Promoted and supported by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and the Municipalities of Gorizia and Monfalcone, conceived and curated by Marco Goldin and organised by Linea d'ombra, it will be the event that kicks off the programmes designed for ‘Nova Gorica / Gorizia European Capital of Culture 2025’. The exhibition in Monfalcone will be the evocative counterpart to the one in Gorizia, telling the story of the art that developed in the Venetian region in the second decade of the 20th century, i.e. in the very years in which the poet was on the Karst and wrote those extraordinarily new poems that flowed into the December 1916 edition of Il porto sepolto, printed in Udine in only 80 copies. To say the 1910s in the Venetian region means above all to say Ca' Pesaro, the first site of the Italian avant-garde, a palace in whose exhibitions, directed by the legendary Nino Barbantini, brought together authors from the Veneto, Trentino and what is now Friuli Venezia Giulia, as well as external “guests” of the calibre of Umberto Boccioni and Felice Casorati.
There will also be important figures from the Friuli Venezia Giulia region itself at the Monfalcone venue, such as the Trieste-born Gino Parin and Edgardo Sambo Cappelletto, as well as Guido Marussig, also born in Trieste, who was one of the initial pillars of Ca' Pesaro, with his six participations from the two exhibitions of 1908 to that of 1913. Boccioni and Casorati will be the starting point of the exhibition in Monfalcone.
This will be followed by a panorama of other artists who made painting in the Venetian regions one of the most advanced in Italy during that decade. Obviously the two leaders, Gino Rossi with his paintings and Arturo Martini with his sculptures. And then other names such as those of Umberto Moggioli and Pio Semeghini, Aldo Voltolin and Nino Springolo to name but a few. An important area of the exhibition will be that, in a large room on the upper floor of the Monfalcone Municipal Gallery of Contemporary Art, dedicated to Gino Rossi and Umberto Moggioli. In this room the beauty of the Buranello landscape and lagoon will come alive through some twenty important works by both these artists, but there will also be connections with the theme of the figure. The exhibition will also continue with a small selection of paintings by contemporary artists to be seen in Gorizia in the Museo di Santa Chiara, thus giving a strong sense of continuity between the two venues from a pictorial point of view.
- Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 9-13 / 14-18
- Saturday: 9am-7pm
- Sunday: 9am-6pm
- Mondays and Tuesdays closed TICKETS
(on sale from 9 September on biglietto.lineadombra.it and via call centre) Full € 7
Reduced € 5 (groups, students up to 26 years of age with ID card, over 65 years of age, journalists with ID card, FVG Card holders)
Reduced price for schools € 3
(The cumulative ticket is an open ticket that allows you to visit the exhibitions on dates, even different ones, of your choice)
Full price € 12
Reduced price € 9 (groups, students up to 26 years of age with ID card, over 65 years of age, journalists with ID card, FVG Card holders)
Schools € 5 Free admission
- schools of all levels in the city of Monfalcone
- children/youths of the city of Monfalcone aged between 0 and 19 years old
- children up to 5 years of age (not in school groups) For groups and schools compulsory reservation.

10/26/2024 - 5/4/2025


Organizer email info@lineadombra.it

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