


An ancient medieval village, among the 'Borghi più belli d'Italia'. In the historic center you can find the Castle, the parish church of St. Andrew, and the 17th-century Sanctuary of the Virgin and Convent of the Dominican Friars.

Cordovado, one of the "Borghi più belli d'Italia" (most beautiful villages in Italy), is an ancient medieval town that features a well-preserved historical centre: the castle, the area of the ancient St. Andrew's Parish Church and the area of the seventeenth-century Sanctuary of the Virgin and convent of the Dominican Friars, which link the older borough, situated in a fortified area, to the "New Borough", built in the Renaissance. It is worth mentioning two noble dwellings, which date back to the eighteenth century: Villa Attimis and Palazzo Ridolfi, also called Palazzo del Capitano.

One can admire the exterior of the castle of Cordovado, which is made up of the moat, of the walls, of the stone bridges and of the two characteristic gate towers.

On the border with Sesto al Reghena, where you will find the famous fountain of Venchiaredo, surrounded by the trees of a small but nice wood, is a first nucleus of literary park that recalls the places described in "Le confessioni di un italiano" by Ippolito Nievo.
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