Shoemakers Museum

Shoemakers Museum

100-year tradition of shoe- and leather making.

Miren is known for its hundred-year-tradition of leather- and shoemaking, as well as after one of the first shoemaking cooperatives in Slovenia and in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Before WWI, the cooperative joined 18 shoemakers and almost 100 apprentices. When the war stormed to the Karst, the kindgom hepled move 1200 Miren people to Nazarje in the Upper Savinja Valley, where they continued making boots for the army. They made up to700 boots per day. Expensive leather, machinery and all production tools were transported by 9 train wagons.

Miren Leather and Shoemaking Museum was arranged by the legendary shoemaker Pavel Petejan, one of the beginners of the Ciciban factory that made children’s footwear. After bankruptcy, he purchased this factory and renamed the family company to Ciciban-Petejan. For decades, this company has been known for high quality products.

Wear the shoes of workers from 1900 and step into the past. The first part presents the collection of leather making tools and machines, the second part of the museum displays machinery and tools used by shoemakers in different periods of time. Then walk through the rich collection of photographs and visit the multimedia presentation of shoemaking tradition. Prior reservation is required.


Guided tours
Upload Gallery 23 Evljarski Muzej Tadej Petejan 3
Upload Gallery 23 Evljarski Muzej Tadej Petejan 2
Upload Gallery 23 Evljarski Muzej Tadej Petejan 1
Upload Gallery 23 Evljarski Muzej Tadej Petejan 4

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