Digital Museum Of Land Reclamation Idrovora Sacchetti

Via Sacchetti, 2, Staranzano
34079 Staranzano (GO) 39 388 121 4369

Digital Museum Of Land Reclamation Idrovora Sacchetti

In the premises of the former caretaker's house of the Idrovora Sacchetti di Staranzano, owned by the Consorzio di Bonifica della Venezia Giulia, the Digital Museum tells the story of the transformation of the landscape of the lower Isonzo plain, which has been brought about by man over the last two centuries.

For a long time, this area was characterised by lakes, wet meadows, resurgence courses and lush forests.

From the end of the 19th century until after World War II, a series of projects led to the integral reclamation of many marshy areas, favouring the hydraulic and land reorganisation of the land, the development of a network of irrigation canals and an improvement in sanitary conditions, which in turn led to a profound change in the natural landscape of the wetlands.


In the Museum, an immersive Virtual Reality experience and a series of interactive touch screens illustrate the transformation of the Isonzo plain, allowing visitors to explore the works and techniques of land reclamation and to learn more about climate change issues, with a view to sustainable development in respect of the environment.

For information and opening hours visit


The Digital Museum of Land Reclamation is one of the ‘goGreen Points’ of the goGreen programme, a project of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia to enhance the cultural, historical and landscape heritage of the province of Gorizia.

The programme promotes a model of sustainable tourism, based on slow mobility and the rediscovery of the relationship between man and nature, with respect for places and environmental resources. Landscape, historical memories, sustainability and innovation are the main dimensions on which the goGreen experiences are based.


Discover the entire goGreen project and download the app:

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