

Lead partner: GO! 2025.

Other partners: Musei Provinciali of Gorizia, Lah Contemporary, Municipality of Dobrovo, Municipality of Komen, Municipality of Renče - Vogrsko, National Gallery of Slovenia, Museum of Modern Art.

As part of the War and Peace programme pillar, we present the world-renowned painter and graphic artist Zoran Mušič, born in Bukovica near Nova Gorica (today's Municipality of Renče - Vogrsko). The artist is best known for his Dachau sketches, more than 150 drawings depicting the horrors he witnessed in a concentration camp during World War II. Exhibitions of Mušič’s works at five different venues offer a unique insight into the artist’s life, from early images of his childhood, through harrowing memories of the concentration camp, to his final self-portraits as a blind seer. As project author Nelida Nemec emphasizes, "the selection of works will reveal his vision of the human figure and landscape, which he masterfully fused into a landscape of the body and a body of the landscape".

Key individuals:

  • Zoran Mušič,
  • Nelida Nemec,
  • Jean Clair,
  • Nataša Ivanović.

Photo: Nelida Nemec Archive

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