

The main exhibition project of the European Capital of Culture will be dedicated to the painter Zoran Mušič (1909-2005). Born in Bukovica, Mušič is the only Slovenian modernist painter to have achieved international fame. An artist with a rich oeuvre and a strong cosmopolitan character, Mušič lived most of his life between Paris and Venice and is best known for his Drawings from Dachau, more than 150 drawings of the horrors he witnessed in the Dachau concentration camp. 
The exhibition, conceived by Nelida Nemec, an art historian and expert on the painter's work, will bring together six institutions and venues: two main exhibitions will be held in Nova Gorica (Kromberk Castle) and Bled, while tributes to the artist will also be paid in: Gorizia; Bukovica (his birthplace, which will host an immersive experience of Mušič's life); Štanjel (where the main theme will be his inspiration by the Karst landscape); and Dobrovo (where a collection of his prints will be on display).

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