Revive Time: Kaki Tree Project

Revive Time: Kaki Tree Project


A seedling of the bombed kaki tree from Nagasaki will be planted as a symbol of peace and proof that life always finds its way. The “Revive Time: Kaki Tree Project” is an international art project started in 1996 by renowned Japanese contemporary artist Tatsuo Miyajima, in collaboration with tree healer Dr Masayuki Ebinuma, who rescued seeds from the fruit of a kaki tree that survived the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki. The project was first presented in Europe at the Venice Biennale in 1999 and has since grown and been successfully planted in over 270 locations in 24 countries.
In Nova Gorica, we will plant a descendant of the Nagasaki tree, putting the GO! 2025 area on the map of this global family. The project, which promotes peace, will further contribute to the idea of two cities with a difficult past that are ready to overcome past conflict.

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