The Other Radio


Lead partner: Društvo Robida/Associazione Robida.

Other partnersRadio Študent.

Venue: Topolò/Topolove.

The Other Radio is an online sound and curatorial project dedicated to exploring the conceptual and physical spaces of the margins. The content leitmotif of the radio is based on the understanding of the space of the margin as a space of radical openness and creative productivity, which enables a minority to become directed in several directions. The Other Radio attempts, with its radio broadcasts, to perform a new distribution of the sensible and thus offer a voice to the marginal, the borderline—the other.

Key individuals:

  • Aljaž Škrlep,
  • Vida Rucli,
  • Antônio Frederico Lasalvia,
  • Lijuan Klassen,
  • Jack Bardwell,
  • yoichi iwamoto,
  • Ajda Bračič,
  • Olya Korsun,
  • Giorgia Maurovich,
  • Petra Filagrana,
  • Urška Savić.


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