
Anna Baar and Andrea Schlehwein

Anna Baar and Andrea Schlehwein

Literary and dance event in the Ingeborg Bachmann Dome. 

Revolutions have changed the world, but they are often associated with wars. What if, instead of war, art prevailed? Dance? A dance that treats national flags as imaginary constructs, as symbols of colourful utopian thinking. Naive? Perhaps. But as long as we are still here, we want to live hopefully, instinctively, and intensively.

The Ingeborg Bachmann Dome serves as a physical centre, a visual compass where dance conquers the urban space, allowing the most diverse choreographics to unfold and dissolve again. Always looking at the audience, which also serves as a reflection.

Escalating conflicts alternate with sudden moments of empathy. What is seen is the relationship between the body and the urban exterior, vulnerability on asphalt.

Anna Baar was born in 1973 in Zagreb as the first of two children to a Yugoslav mother and an Austrian father. She lives in Klagenfurt and Vienna. Her poetry, essays, and prose have been widely translated and awarded multiple times. In 2022, Anna Baar received the Grand Austrian State Prize for Literature for her work.

Raised in Japan, Andrea K. Schlehwein is a multi-award-winning artist, choreographer, director, independent curator, and professor of dance. She creates dance productions, commissioned choreographies, and collaborates in directorial teams and musical theaters. 

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