Community Stages and Galleries

Community Stages and Galleries


Lead partner: GO! 2025.

Other partners: Teater na konfini, HIT, Pilonova galerija.

In 2025, a series of concerts, exhibitions, and cinema micro-events will unfold in evocative locations across Nova Gorica and Gorizia, from squares and parks to warehouses, hidden courtyards, trains, and even hotel corridors. Highlights include Maruša Sagadin's social sculptures, the HIT company's graphic collection, theatrical interventions, and film screenings. Particular focus will be given to revitalizing the region's captivating destinations, such as Vipavski Križ, where Marko Pogačnik, Evgen Bavčar, and other invited artists will present their site-specific works.

The Ingeborg Bachmann Dome by Austrian artist Armin Guerino is a gift from the Carinthian Cultural Foundation. From it opening on 25 April onwards, the dome will host various artistic programmes, covering fields from dance to literature.

Key individuals:

  • Maruša Sagadin,
  • Vanja Žanko,
  • Evgen Bavčar,
  • Marko Pogačnik.

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