
Ljubka – Poetess of love and hope

10/13/2024 from 18.00

Kulturni center Lojze Bratuž
Viale XX Settembre, 85, 34170

Ljubka – poetessa della speranza e dell’amore

The Lojze Bratuž Cultural Centre presents a monodrama about Ljubka Šorli, poetess of hope and love.

This monodrama follows the story of Slovenian poetess Ljubka Šorli, born in Klanc near Tolmin. She is considered one of the brightest figures in the history of the Littoral region. Despite having a cruel life with her husband, composer Lojze Bratuž, being tortured to death and being cruelly tortured herself during fascism, she retained a dignified demeanour, creating pedagogical and cultural work, mostly songs.

The monodrama includes original tapes of Ljubka Šorli’s interviews entitled Drevo ob Soči, prepared and conducted by Professor Marija Češčut from Radio Trieste A.

The premiere will take place on 13 October at 6 p.m. at the Lojze Bratuž Cultural Centre.

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