
Nekoč v Posočju (film screening)

4/3/2025 from 20.00

Hiša filma / Palazzo Del Cinema
Piazza della Vittoria 41
34170 Gorica/Gorizia

Nekoč v Posočju (film screening)

Film screening in Gorizia.


On 3 April 2025, a presentation of the film Nekoč v Posočju (Once Upon a Time in Soča Valley), directed by Ema Kugler, will take place in Gorizia.

In the film, Prešeren Prize winner Ema Kugler focuses on the folk tradition of the Staroverci, as transmitted by the 'uncles', single men without the right to inherit who lived as servants on the margins of society. The film is based on a tradition collected by Pavel Medvešček during 50 years of research in Soča Valley. Over the years, he has gained the trust of the 'uncles', who broke their pledge of silence that they formed due to forced Christianisation, and told him everything they knew about the old faith. It is not known exactly when the Staroverci religion appeared in the area, but it is likely that some forms of belief existed before the arrival of the Slavs. They practised religion in different ways, using myths and legends to explain the world.

The screening is part of the Slovenian Film in Italy series, which is organised as part of GO! 2025, produced by Kinoatelje, as part of the project Cinema Hub.

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