River chants

The Italian-Slovenian border through folk songs, considering music and sound as a channel, a trespass and a landscape.

Fino al 08/09/2024

RIVER CHANTS addresses the Italian-Slovenian border through folk songs, considering music and sound as a channel, a trespass and a landscape. It uses water as a vehicle for a sound and poetic hydrology, focusing on oral and female traditions, with attention to water, rivers, seas, their movement and sounds. Through the collection of songs, melodies and field recordings, we searched for texts and sounds that hold a deep and interconnected knowledge of water and nature. This new sonic fresco traces water relations between distant geographies and bodies in motion. It explores contemporary imbalances, fragilities and challenges: from the climate crisis to migration. With a nine-channel system, the installation orchestrates various popular songs reinterpreted by the voices of the territory.

Opening: Thursday 25 July at 6pm in the Galleria Regionale d'Arte contemporanea Luigi Spazzapan in Gradisca d’Isonzo. 

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