

New workshops for SPF call for entries

Tre nuovi workshop del GECT GO per il bando SPF

EGTC GO is organizing three workshops regarding the second SPF call: they will be held over the next month in Gorizia, Tolmin, and Portogruaro.

After the launch of the new call for entries SPF GO! 2025 (Small Projects Fund GO! 2025), the EGTC GO announces the dates of three workshops to present the call and updated project documentation. The meetings will take place in April

  • The first workshop will be held on April 4th at 3 pm in Gorizia, at the EGTC GO headquarters (Corso Italia 55) in Slovenian and Italian, with simultaneous translation. Participation is possible both in person and via streaming. The link to the live stream will be published shortly on the EGTC GO website and social media. Simultaneous translation will also be available for the live stream.
  • The second workshop will take place on Monday, April 8th at 2 pm in the cinema in Tolmin (Mestni trg, 5), in Slovenian.
  • The last meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 10th at 10.30 am at the VeGAL headquarters (Via Cimetta 1) in Portogruaro (Veneto), where a third workshop will be held in Italian.

For all three events, registration is required. The registration form is available online at this link on the EGTC GO website.

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