Seminario CoR-AEBR: The participation of the citizens from border regions in the Operational Programmes – The case of the EGTC

19/11/2013 dalle 00:00 Alle 23:59

Seminario CoR-AEBR: The participation of the citizens from border regions in the Operational Programmes – The case of the EGTC

Seminario CoR-AEBR: The participation of the citizens from border regions in the Operational Programmes – The case of the EGTC

Il 19 novembre 2013 il GECT GO e' stato ospite a Bruxelles al Seminario organizzato dal CoR (Comitato delle Regioni) e dall'AEBR (Associazione delle regioni di confine): 


The participation of the citizens from border regions in the Operational Programmes

The case for border regions, EGTCs and citizens

​This seminar intends to draw the attention to the participation of citizens from border regions in the Partnership Agreements and in the Operational Programmes, which are the main instruments of implementation of the future cohesion policy 2014-2020. It will also focus on the specific situation of the European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), which are called to have a more active role in the next programming period.


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