Il GECT GO ospite al seminario INTERACT: Interreg and European groupings on territorial cooperation (Madrid, 14/4/2015)

14/04/2015 dalle 00:00 Alle 23:59

Il GECT GO ospite al seminario INTERACT: Interreg and European groupings on territorial cooperation (Madrid, 14/4/2015)

Il GECT GO ospite al seminario INTERACT: Interreg and European groupings on territorial cooperation (Madrid, 14/4/2015)

INTERACT organises a special seminar for EGTCs in April to introduce them to the Interreg world and also to promote their participation in programmes and projects. The Interreg programme's stakeholders are also welcome to participate.

The aim of the Seminar: Interreg and European groupings on territorial cooperation is to provide the EGTCs representatives with a digestible amount of relevant knowledge on the Interreg world – at both programme and project level. By learning the legal framework, commonly used terms (like Managing Authority, Lead Partner, etc.), programme and project lifecycles, the groupings would get a better understanding of the "rules of the game". While by presenting cases of EGTCs already involved in Interreg, INTERACT aims at raising the awareness about use of EGTC in Interreg.
In case participants would like to learn more about generating Interreg projects, the day after - on 15th April - the Workshop on Project Generation and Development is organized in the same venue. Participants of this seminar are welcome to also take part in this event.


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