Il GECT GO ospite agli Open Days 2015

14/10/2015 dalle 00:00 Alle 23:59

Il GECT GO ospite agli Open Days 2015

Il GECT GO ospite agli Open Days 2015

European Commission's Workshop:
Cross-border urban integration: European groupings of territorial cooperation in twin cities and cross-border agglomerations
14/10/2015 [14:00-17:00]
Code: 14C15

Organisers: DG REGIO – EC

Venue: European Commission, Centre Borschette, Room 2C

Speakers and chair(s): Ms. Rapp Aleksandra (Chair), Mr. Bollmann Sören, Mr. De Bruijn Martijn, Mr. Nagy Peter, Mr. Peyrony Jean, Mr. Rivera Bua Pablo, Ms. Sodini Sandra

This workshop will focus on how EU regional programmes can promote more balanced territorial development in rural or rural-urban contexts. The special
challenge of border cities and border rural hinterlands will be addressed under this theme. Most of the EGTCs have developed a development strategy for
their territory. Use of regional and cross-border programmes may be used to develop twin cities or urban-rural areas.
DG Regio and the Mission opérationnelle transfrontalière will also present tools available for border cities: the URBACT project "Expertising governance in
transfrontier conurbations" and tools for the governance of border cities and agglomerations.

Target audience:
- EU, national, regional and local policy/decision makers
- Authorities managing and evaluating cohesion policy programmes and projects
- Other stakeholders: European and national associations
- Academic

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