PZA Camp Sela Na Krasu

PZA Camp Sela Na Krasu

On the edge of the idyllic village of Sela na Kars, away from the urban world, there is a campsite with a wonderful view of the Adriatic Sea.

The modern infrastructure with 14 stops for Campers offers a self-sufficient experience of staying in an excellent starting location for visiting many attractions. Ljubljana, Postojna Cave, Lipica, Škocijan Caves, Military History Park Pivka, Brda, Soška and Vipava Valley as well as Venice, Trieste and Portopiccolo are only 20 to 100 km away.

In the immediate vicinity is Osmica Pr' Krčarju and the offer of Exquisite cusine (Krasna kuhnja) in Gostilna Štirna and  Mirko Godnič Homestay in Nova Vasa.

The sights and active experiences of the Miren Karst invite you throughout the year.


Camper (24-hour parking + 1kWh of electricity + 100l of water) = €20

Water (additional 100l) = €1

Electricity (additional 1 kWh) = €1

Toilets and shower (included in the price of parking/camping)


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