Beethovnova knjižnica


Beethovnova knjižnica

Hišni muzej je ustanovila družina Carrino in hrani bogato zasebno zbirko zgodovinskih in umetniških dokazov Ludwiga van Beethovna od začetka 19. stoletja do danes: biografije, kritični eseji, izvirne partiture, skulpture, slike, umetniške grafike.

The “Biblioteca Beethoveniana” is a large private collection that gathers essential historical, musical, artistic and cultural testimonies about Ludwig van Beethoven, his works and his myth from the early 19th century to the present day.

After more than 40 years of worldwide research, the collec-tion now comprises more than 11,000 items, organized in 12 different collections. They emphasise the enormous variety of ways in which, over time, Beethoven's Myth and legacy affected countless forms of art. Through a 10-rooms guided tour, within a unique and fascinating atmosphere, you rediscover the allure and fascination of sculptures, paintings, art prints, antique and contemporary books and editions, historical documents, objets d'art, ex libris and medals, but also the world of postcards, stamps and picture cards, advertising, kitsch and much more besides. The collection encompasses items that cannot be jointly admired in any other museum and that can lead you in multi-ple journeys between past and present.

Info and booking
Biblioteca Beethoveniana-famiglia Carrino
Via XXV Aprile n. 19, Muggia
Tel. 0039 348 5807227;

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