Domus in škofovska palača

Piazza Capitolo, 9, 33051 Aquileia UD

Domus in škofovska palača

Arheološko območje Ogleja je potovanje skozi čas in je urejeno na četrti rimskega mesta iz 1. stoletja pred našim štetjem, na katerem so nanizani zaporedni elementi: domus iz 1. stoletja našega štetja, apsidalna dvorana iz 4. stoletja in ostanki škofovske palače iz 5. stoletja.

The "Domus and Palace Episcopal" area is the latest archaeological area of Aquileia to be opened for the public's enjoyment. It uses a protective structure to allow visitors to see the overlaid floor levels of different eras, shown at various depths.
The area used to be a district of the Roman city that developed from the 1st century BC, but was successively rebuilt several times: in an exciting journey back through time, the visitor can then admire the structures of the domus of the first century AD, a great hall with an apse of the fourth century, and extensive mosaics and walls of the fifth-century bishop’s palace.

Domus e Palazzo episcopale
piazza Capitolo
33051 Aquileia (UD)
Per informazioni: Fondazione Aquileia
tel. + 39 0431 917619

Opening hours
Please visit the website

Ticket Domus Palazzo Episcopale + Baptistery - Südhalle
Full € 5,00
Reduced € 4,00 (groups with more 15 person)
Free Schools and people under 18 years
Free with FVGcard

Ticket of Basilica complex (Basilica, Crypts, Baptistery - Südhalle, Domus Palazzo Episcopale, Bell Tower - bell tower is closed currently)
Full € 10,00
Reduced € 7,50 (groups with more 15 person). Free children under 10 years
Free with FVGcard
Domus in škofovska palača
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R79361 Domus E Palazzo Episcopale Jpg

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