Muzej na meji

Via Borgo Piave, 22, 33040 Visco UD

Muzej na meji

Obiščite muzej v Viscu, ki je bil zgrajen na mestu nekdanje avstrijske carinarnice in je otipljiv znak meje med Kraljevino Italijo in Habsburškim cesarstvom.

The Museo sul Confine (Museum on the border) at Visco is at the former headquarters of the Austrian customs office, a concrete sign of the border between the Kingdom of Italy and the Hapsburg Empire that included the town of Visco inside Austrian territory. The former Austrian customs office is now a museum: on the ground floor photographs of the key events in the story of the border at Visco are displayed. The images are organised following an iconographic route that winds through the old customs house, the parish church, the old ‘mille acque’ bridge and via Montello.
The Museo sul Confine is available for meetings and cultural events thanks to its large conference room equipped with video-projection systems.

Museo sul Confine
Via Borgo Piave 22/24
33040 Visco (UD)

Opening times:
Only by appointment.
Free admission.

For further informations and reservations:
Comune di Visco
Via Montello 22
Tel. +39 0432 997003 (extension number: 4)
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R63348 Banner Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R63159 Museosulconfine Vinodellapace Ph Alessandrafogar Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Main Image Hd R63339 Visco Museo Sul Confine Comune Visco Jpg

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