Paolo Caccese Tfvg 95858


Paolo Caccese Tfvg 95858
The company’s history originated in the early 1950s, when the Caccese family discovered viticulture and bought two hectares of vineyard on the rolling hills of Pradis, by Cormòns. In the 1970s, the next generation committed to winemaking as their chosen career path. Twenty years later, more hectares were bought to increase production. Today the Paolo Caccese farm extends over six hectares and three hills and is dedicated to producing twelve types of wine, between white and reds.
Proxyvfs.axd Main R95858 File Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Image R212765 File Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Image R212766 File Jpg
Proxyvfs.axd Image R212767 File Jpg

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