Sinagoga v Trstu

Via S. Francesco D'Assisi, 19, 34133 Trieste TS

La Sinagoga di Trieste

Sinagoga na ulici Via San Francesco, ki se uvršča med največje in najbolj veličastne v Evropi, je ena od simbolnih stavb združevanja različnih verstev v Trsta. 

The Synagogue of St. Francesco street, considered one of the largest and most majestic ones in Europe, is a symbol building in the multireligious Trieste. Designed by architects Ruggero and Arduino Berlam and inaugurated in 1912, the monumental synagogue represents the influence that the Jewish Community achieved in the economic and cultural life of the city in the early '900.

The Berlam family successfully overcame the structural difficulties of the ground, creating a rectangular building with a main dome, three semi-domes and a tower with a rectangular base. It is important to emphasize that the Trieste synagogue differs from synagogues in Central Europe in that it is one of the rare cases of mediation between a basilica and its adaptation to the Jewish cult and ceremonial. The extraordinary complexity of the site and the technical innovations introduced during the construction of the temple make it one of the most important examples in the history of Italian art building in the early twentieth century.

The Temple replaced the "Schole" that responded to the needs of cult of Jews in Trieste from the mid-eighteenth century and satisfied the needs of an increasingly flourishing community. The need of a new and wider synagogue was felt particularly around 1860, when it was realized that the "Little School" (built in 1748 in Beccherie street), the "Great School" (built in 1797 in Little Square) and the "Vivante School" (built in 1805 in Del Monte street) no longer met the new requirements of the large and rich Jewish community.

As to size and structure, the Temple, for the realization of which an international competition of ideas was launched in 1903, is divided into three naves culminating in the majestic apse, filled with a golden mosaic. The whole room is oriented towards a monumental aròn with gilded copper doors topped by a newsstand in pink granite with four columns supporting the Decalogue. It is framed by two great menoròt resting on a marble balustrade that shows the sheaves of wheat, symbol of the Community of Trieste. Over the aròn, the beautiful balcony of the women's gallery faces from three sides. In the women's gallery above the main entrance, in a gallery inside a vaulted ceiling, a large organ is located with barrels decorated with Stars of David.

During World War II, the synagogue was devastated and used by Nazi occupiers to store books and artwork. However, the silverware rituals of the Community were saved by raiding thanks to an ingenious hiding.

Outside, the building has three facades, on Donizetti, St. Francesco and Zanetti streets, where a series of ornaments are repeated. Over all, the characteristic rose window stands which lights the interior. The main entrance is in Donizetti street, where the great portal is surmounted by a tower. In the ensamble of St. Francesco building, the offices of the Community, the library, the historical archive and the mikveh (ritual bath) are also found.

Comunità Ebraica di Trieste
Via San Francesco, 19 34133 Trieste (TS)
+39 040 371466

Opening time Monday and Wednesday at 5pm Tuesday at 10:30am Reservation required pls call +39 040 371466 or send an email to
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