Vila de Brandis

San Giovanni al Natisone

Vila de Brandis

V muzeju v kraju San Giovanni al Natisone so na ogled pomembne umetniške zbirke in slike od 14. do 20. stoletja. Ob vili se nahajata stoletni park in Državna knjižnica, v kateri so shranjene knjige, izdane od leta 1501 do leta 1980, ter arhiv fotografij in plemiških rodbin.

The museum, located on the first floor of a 18th century villa, preserves important artistic collections like the Picture Gallery, with 14th to 20th century paintings and a large number of original wooden furnishings and interesting ornaments (16th-19th centuries).

The family library (about six thousand books, published between 1501 and 1980), the Photographic archive and the maps of the gentilitial archive are located in the Civic Library, next to the museum halls.

Behind Villa de Brandis there is a secular garden, designed like an English park, with magnolias, palms, beech trees, hornbeams, cedars, limetrees and a suggestive pond in the middle.

Villa de Brandis
Via Roma 117
33040 San Giovanni al Natisone (Ud)
Tel. +39 0432 939590

Opening hours
by appointment or during the opening hours of temporary activities that are hosted.
The park of Villa de Brandis is open to the public daily during daylight hours.

Free admission

For detailed and up-to-date information on access with pets, please contact the structure.

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