
Dawn after the End of History (Unable to Die 3/3)

Dawn after the End of History (Unable to Die 3/3)

Dawn after the End of History is the third and last part of the Italian-Slovenian project Inabili alla morte/Nezmožni umreti (Unable to Die).

Written by Paolo di Paolo and directed by Giacomo Pedini, the third and last part of the trilogy Inabili alla morte/Nezmožni umreti (Unable to Die) explores twentieth-century European history from the perspective of the East-West border, as well as the exciting and ambiguous leap into the void of the 1990s between theatre and live cinema, between presumed historical truths and plausible fictions. On the one hand, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union and the end of borders, brought great promise for a new generation of capitalists; they were sellers of goods and dreams, swindlers or magicians, tyrants or benefactors, depending on opinion, but incredibly consistent with their desire to create a new world and make it their own. On the other hand, the upheavals of that turn of the century exposed the insecurity and ambiguity of an entire intellectual and ruling class that had lost its direction and revealed to itself and to others its scattered image, filled with all too often evanescent 'good intentions'; or even masked by greedier interests. And in the meantime, the merry-go-round in the centre of the stage, continues its rounds and, as history does, carries away the destinies of this last generation of the 20th century, which has already transformed itself into the champions of our century, reverberated by the great cinema—live on stage—which manipulates and justifies everything.

Inabili alla morte/Nezmožni umreti is part of the official programme of European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia, commissioned by FVG Region, supported by GO! 2025, producted by Mittelfest, co-producted by SNG Nova Gorica and with media partners Rai Radio3, Rai FVG, Radio Slovenija-Program Ars. More information on the project is available on www.mittelfest.org.

Language info

Event language: EN, IT, SL Subtitles: EN, SL


Organizer email promozione@mittelfest.org

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