èStoriaBus: DISCOVERING SOČA - Between Kobarid and Tolmin

èStoriaBus: ALLA SCOPERTA DELL'ISONZO – Tra Kobarid e Tolmin

The èStoriaBus - an attractive and different way to learn about cultural heritage, which has been implemented for many years by the Gorizia èStoria International Festival of History, is being developed and extended thanks to the project ‘Beyond Walk of Peace: from Crossborder Historical Research and Cultural Heritage to European Trail and Stories’, financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Interreg VI-A ITA-SLO 2021-2027 Programme.  Project partners include the lead partner Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju, GECT GO, ZRC SAZU, PromoTurismoFVG, the Municipality of Miren Kostanjevica and the Cultural Association èStoria.

The Soča river, in the Slovenian language reka Soča, is known as one of the most interesting waterways in Europe, due to its extraordinary colours and the wealth of historical events that have occurred on its banks. It can be defined as ‘border’, not because it marks a border line, but because it crosses very different realities, bringing together people with different languages, cultures, histories and conceptions of life.

It has witnessed dramatic moments, particularly in the 20th century due to the two world wars that saw it blameless. Today, it is one of the main attractions of Nova Gorica and Gorizia, European Capital of Culture 2025 and the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic. The first of four events dedicated to the Soča River is on Sunday, 13 October 2024. In one intense day, it will be possible to visit Kobarid, in Italian the famous Caporetto, and Tolmin, Tolmino.

There will be many topics to be covered. Information will be provided by the writer and journalist Andrea Bellavite.

Meeting and departure at 9 a.m. from the Piazzale della Casa Rossa in Gorizia, indicative return at 7 p.m. The event is free of charge. Registration is required at: segreteria@estoria.it.

Language info

Event language: IT, SL Audio translator: EN


Organizer email segreteria@estoria.it Organizer phone number +39 3311682969

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