
GO! 2025 Opening Ceremony: Parade

2/8/2025 from 10.00

GO! 2025 Opening Ceremony: Parade

More information on the parade at the GO! 2025 opening ceremony with more than 1000 performers!

A colourful group of more than 1000 artists of all kinds and genres will take their seats in the parade, which starts at 10 am at the Gorizia Centrale Railway Station.

The colourful and loud parade will start at 10:00 in front of the Gorizia railway station, from where participants will march along the Corso Italia and Corso Verdi to the Public Gardens. The Gong Cross-Border Wind Orchestra will lead the procession, followed by other brass bands, like the Wind orchestra Kras and the Cormons City band, which will be joined along the way by musicians, dancers and folk dancers who will say good morning to Gorizia together. Among the participants, there will be flagwavers from Palmanova, characteristic "Blumari" Montefosca, the folklore groups Stu Ledi, Santa Gorizia, the dancers from Lucinico and the dance school Movartex. The Slovenian and Italian Police Orchestras will perform together at the People's Garden respectively. Around 11:15, a colourful procession is expected to reach Piazza della Vittoria, and it is being arranged that the bells of all the churches in town will ring at once. After the speeches by the two mayors, Rodolfo Ziberna and Samo Turel, there will be a cultural programme with artists from various disciplines: the violinist Pierpaolo Foti, the two local dancers Alex Devetak and Mara Cappiello, national vice-champions in latin american dances, the local singer Shari. The public will also listen to three choirs: the Mixed Youth Choir Emil Komel, the Freevoices and the choir from the show From Nizza to Gorizia (Kulturni center Lojze Bratuž.) At 13:00, the procession will march towards Via San Gabriele, with a few musical performances along the way.

In front of the Attems-Petzenstein Palace, there will be a flash mob with various choral ensembles. The route to the San Gabriele border crossing will be accompanied by groups of masks (Lipe bile maškare, I costumi del carnevale di Rodda), the folklore group from Capriva, the group Drumsquad Trieste and the dancers from the Movartex schoo. From Piazza Vittoria onwards, the parade will be accompanied by the artistic installation 'Sphere' by the famous Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto. At 14:00, Italian artists will symbolically hand it over, together with the parade, to Slovenian artists, at the border crossing on Erjavčeva Ulica.

The aerial silks dancers (Aerial Circus) will symbolically demonstrate the unity of European nations by dancing on an iron construction, followed by intertwined performances of percussionists, combined choirs and roller skaters (KUK Nova Gorica), skateboarders (GO Sk8) and dancers (Športni klub Pro Dance), as the audience on Erjavčeva Ulica will walk to the next performance by united Slovenian and Italian brass bands, headed by majorettes (Twirling), artists, clowns and acrobats (Bufeto Institute) and cheerleaders (ŠK Twist).

Folklore groups (the Slovenian folklore groups Na Placi and Gartrož, Sloga Serbian folklore group and Ohridski biseri Macedonian folklore group) will continue the parade at the Nova Gorica Local Community building. The parade will stop for a moment at the steps of the Eda Centre, with the performance by combined choirs and NEFES oriental dancers, who will then lead the spectators to Kidričeva Ulica, with combined brass bands waiting to lead the parade to Bevkov Trg, where it will end with a performance by the artists of the Bufeto institute and the song "Gorica je na mapi" (Gorica is on the map), interpreted by the musicians JA SHA and DJ Emily. 

The event will be hosted by actors Andrijana Boškoska and Martin Gerbec.

The directors and coordinators of the procession are Jasmin Kovic, working with artistic director Stefano Palaferri on the Italian side, and Tamara Babić Nikiforov on the Slovenian side.  

The event is supported by the Public Fund for Cultural Activities Nova Gorica Regional Branch.

More than 900 performers will take part in the event, among others:

  • Event hosts: Martin Gerbec and Andrijana Boškoska (Kulturno-umetniško društvo Ni Da Ni),
  • Aerial Circus (3 aerial silks dancers),
  • Combined choirs (400 singers) from:
    • Mladinski pevski zbor Kras Opatje selo,
    • Mešani mladinski pevski zbor Šempeter - Vrtojba,
    • Mešani pevski zbor Jože Srebrnič Deskle,
    • Mešani pevski zbor Vrtojba,
    • Mešani pevski zbor Ciril Silič Vrtojba,
    • Mešani pevski zbor Nova Gorica,
    • Mešani pevski zbor AmorVincit,
    • Mešani pevski zbor Motiv,
    • Mešani pevski zbor Primorje Ajdovščina,
    • Moški pevski zbor Pobratimija,
    • Moški pevski zbor Provox,
    • Moški pevski zbor Franc Zgonik Branik,
    • Vokalna skupina Chorus '97 Miren,
    • Vokalna skupina VoxDiversa,
    • Voklani ansambel Reunion,
    • Vokalna skupina Briške Trcinke,
    • Vokalna skupina Concordia,
    • Ženski pevski zbor Sanje Nova Gorica,
    • Ženska vokalna skupina Zimzelen Nova Gorica,
    • Ženski pevski zbor Društvo žena Miren - Orehovlje,
    • Ženski pevski zbor Soča Solkan,
    • Ženski pevski zbor Rože Nova Gorica,
  • Klub za umetnostno kotalkanje Nova Gorica (30 skaters),
  • Športno-kulturno društvo GO Sk8 (10 skaters),
  • Plesna šola Pro DC (100 dancers),
  • United Wind Orchestras (200 instrumentalists):
    • Goriški pihalni orkester,
    • Banda civica Citta di Monfalcone APS,
    • Societa Filarmonica G.Verdi APS Ronci dei Legionari,
    • Filarmonica di Turiacco,
    • Pihalni orkester Vogrsko,
    • Prvačka pleh muzika,
  • Twirling – mažoretno društvo Nova Gorica (30 majorettes),
  • Zavod Bufeto (10 acrobats, clowns, artists),
  • Športni klub Twist (30 cheerleaders),
  • Folklorno društvo Na placi (15 folklorists and musicians),
  • Foklorno društvo Gartrož (15 folklorists),
  • Srbsko kulturno društvo Sloga (30 folklorists and musicians),
  • Makedonsko kulturno društvo Ohridski biseri (30 folklorists and musicians),
  • Plesna skupina NEFES and Kulturno in prosvetno društvo Franc Zgonik Branik(14 dancers),
  • Rapper JA SHA in DJ Emily.

***GO! 2025 has its own policy for event publication, available at this link. Not all information provided may be current and/or accurate and GO! 2025 does not accept any responsibility in this regard. It's recommended to contact the event organizer directly to verify the information of interest.

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