
Printing GO! 2025 graphics at Xcenter

6/13/2024 from 14.00 To 16.00

Delpinova ulica 20
Nova Gorica

Printing GO! 2025 graphics at Xcenter

On Thursday, 13 June 2024, from 14.00 to 16.00, you are cordially invited to the first floor of the Xcenter, where we will once again be re-printing the GO! 2025 graphic, this time on - old cooking recipes. 

The graphic, designed with the mission of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia in mind by graphic artist Zora Stančič, will be printed again by artist Salvatore Calì, come for a nice chat and to pick up your own copy of the personification of the two Goricas.

Why cooking recipes? The model for the graphic will travel to Madrid next week to present the culinary and cultural offer of Slovenia and the European Capital of Culture to Spanish tourism operators as part of the Tastes without Borders project.

Do you have a favourite recipe? Please bring it with you!

About the graphic

The graphic first came to life in March 2024, when it was part of a performance at the ECOC presentation at the world's biggest tourism fair, ITB Berlin. It was also available on 9 May 2024, when Nova Gorica celebrated 20 years since its accession to the European Union. After Thursday's event, it will soon travel to Madrid, where a presentation of Slovenia and GO! 2025 will take place at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Madrid, as part of the opening of a new air link between Spain and Slovenia.

Photo: Pierluigi Bumbaca

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