
Wilhelm Heiliger: The Metaphysics of Colour, monograph presentation

9/12/2024 from 19:00

Knjigarna kavarna Maks
Delpinova ulica 10, 5000
Nova Gorica

Wilhelm Heiliger: Metafizika Barve, predstavitev monografije

The presentation of Wilhelm Heiliger’s new monograph entitled The Metaphysics of Colour. 

On Thursday, September 12, at 7 p. m., Knjigarna kavarna Maks will host a presentation of the monography entitled The Metaphysics of Colour (Metafizika barve). Artist and author Wilhelm Heiliger will discuss his book with designer Oto Rimele and editor Pavla Jarc.

This extensive monograph offers a detailed presentation of Heiliger’s creative accomplishments and rich oeuvre that embody his enormous passion and joy for creation. The monograph also features study essays by renowned Slovenian art historians Brane Kovič, Andrej Medved and Jure Mikuž, who provide in-depth assessment of individual periods of Heiliger’s oeuvre from various perspectives. The monograph was published by Kulturni dom Nova Gorica in collaboration with ZRC SAZU and Knjigarna kavarna Maks, as well as with the financial support of GO! 2025 project. The book was designed by artist Oto Rimele.


Organizer phone number (05) 700 19 27

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