Let's make gubana, the feast cake of the Natisone Valleys
Learn the secret of the Natisone Valleys' gubana. We are in the workshop of La Gubana della Nonna to make gubana to take home as a souvenir from the Natisone Valleys. Description of the experience All the necessary ingredients and equipment are provided, and the preparation process will be explained step by step. At the end of the workshop there will be a tasting session. Each participant will be able to take home the gubana made with their own hands. More information This experience complies with anti-COVID-19 safety protocols. The workshop includes: explanation of how to prepare the gubana dough explanation of how to prepare the traditional filling procedure for preparing gubana history and traditions of gubana sweet snack. Cooking class for 1 to max 20 people Cost: €120 for 1 person, €60 per person if there are at least 2 participants Languages: Italian Punctuality is required Location: At La Gubana della Nonna on Via Algida 63, Azzida, 33049 San Pietro al Natisone (UD) Click here to book the experience
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