40 years of Varstveno delovni center Tolmin



40 years of Varstveno delovni center Tolmin

A celebration of 40 years of VDC Tolmin

The Tolmin Social Work Centre (Varstveno delovni center Tolmin) was established as a public social welfare institution by a decision of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on 8 August 2001. Its history goes back much further; it can be traced back to 1984, when the teachers of the then Tolmin Educational Institute (Vzgojno izobraževalni zavod Tolmin) organised work for 7 adults with special needs. Since the establishment of VDC Tolmin the users have benefited from the variety and quality of the social care services provided.

The celebration of 40 years of operation will include guest speeches, singing, music, dance and drama, which will showcase the achievements of the users and their cooperation with other organisations. The celebration recognises the successful work of staff, service users, relatives, volunteers and the local community who have helped and contributed to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for service users over the years.

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