
Cherries, cherries, cherries!

9/18/2024 from 10.00 To 11.00

Točka ZKD Nova Gorica
Gradnikove brigade 25
Nova Gorica

Cherries, cherries, cherries!

An event presenting the themes of fruit and fruit trees in Slovenian literature.

Zveza kulturnih društev Nova Gorica (The Nova Gorica Association of Cultural Societies) presents an event entitled Cherries, Cherries, Cherries! The Themes of Fruit and Fruit Trees in Slovenian Literature, which will take place as a part of the The Crossroad of Cultures: Nature without Borders Festival. This festival aims to present selected literary works of border literature featuring nature and ecological issues. The keynote lecture will be given by literary historian Vladka Tucovič Sturman, who works as a professor at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska and at the Faculty of Education of the same university. She also works as a radio personality, a copy editor, she conducts literary and cultural events and writes columns.



Organizer phone number +38653330311

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