EU New gen quintet - Play standards

EU New gen quintet - Play standards

More than Jazz project: Five young musicians from all over Europe perform during their artistic residence.

Thanks to the European collaborations started in 2021, these five young students were selected through auditions by the partner universities of More Than Jazz (HKB Bern, KUG Graz, Saint Louis College of Music Rome, Conservatorio Giuseppe Tartini in Trieste) for an artistic residency in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region: 3 days of production under the guidance of the talented singer Chiara Luppi. On this occasion, the quintet will perform the great jazz classics and original pieces.

Jean-Baptiste Rousseaux – trumpet

Lucien Palak – sax

Samuele Gandin – Hammond

Yann Lennart Schandl – bass

Ruben Mammano – drums



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