GO! Games

6/15/2024 from 14.30 To 21.00

Park - Parco Baiamonti
Gorica - Gorizia

GO! Games

Fun, culture, interaction: these are the ingredients of the GO! Games.

Fun, culture, interaction: these are the ingredients of the GO! Games 2024, the first edition of cross-border neighborhood games, as part of GO! 2025. Thirteen teams representing as many neighborhoods of the Municipalities of Gorizia, Nova Gorica, and Šempeter-Vrtojba will take the field on Saturday, June 15: Nova Gorica, Rožna Dolina, Solkan, Šempeter-Vrtojba, Lucinico, San Rocco-Sant’Anna, Piuma-San Mauro-Oslavia, Piedimonte, Madonnina, Sant’Andrea, Centro, Straccis-Montesanto-Piazzutta, and GECT GO (cross-border team of employees). Each team will have a maximum of twenty members, aged 16 and above.

Participants will gather at 2.30 pm in Piazza Vittoria, and then move together to the Baiamonti park. The opening of the games will feature the three mayors, in a moment inspired by the tradition of Neighborhood Games. At 4 pm, the games in the Baiamonti park and the treasure hunt will begin. Participants in the treasure hunt will face a 7-kilometer route, on foot or by bike, winding through the territory of the three municipalities to discover their monuments and our history, before returning to the Baiamonti park. Meanwhile, the others will engage in board games and trump, tug-of-war, water games, and skill courses. Until the grand finale, which will involve all teams simultaneously. This will be followed by a convivial moment organized by the National Alpine Association for the members, and then the awards ceremony at 7.30 pm.


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