

Call for Entrepreneurs and Visitors to Participate in BulevAR

Call for Entrepreneurs and Visitors to Participate in BulevAR

The new BulevAR (Augmented Relationships) web app offers a fresh way to connect residents from Nova Gorica and Gorizia, ECoC visitors and local suppliers. With an innovative approach combining technology and human interaction, it rewards human collaborations and promotes cross-border cooperation.

How does it work?

The app enables users to collect sparkles or virtual points by visiting the main places associated with the European Capital of Culture, such as Europe Square, the Underpass, Kostanjevica Monastery, Rafut Park and Gorizia Castle, or by crossing the border, participating in selected events, linguistic challenges and other activities to uplift the cross-border community spirit. Activities promoting cultural exchange also include challenges such as pronouncing three words in Slovene. BulevAR builds relationships while promoting the local offer by collecting sparks.

How do visitors profit from sparkles?

The collected points (sparkles) can be redeemed for local rewards, such as: free coffee at a popular bar, a burger at a lively restaurant, a haircut at a salon, a nail treatment in GO! 2025 colours, a gift at the Communications office, discounts at shops and other special offers from participating suppliers. If you reach 2025 points, you will enter a prize draw for an exclusive grand prize.

How do entrepreneurs profit from sparkles?

The BulevAR app encourages ECoC visitors to explore local suppliers, caterers, retailers, hair salons, florists, beauty salons, opticians and others to develop new consumption habits. At the same time, it gives businesses the opportunity to reach out to potential visitors on both sides of the border.

That is why GO! 2025 and Arctur invite all suppliers to contribute prizes that will be distributed to frequent events visitors. So far, prizes have already been donated by various caterers, hair salons, beauty salons and retailers, who mainly donate small prizes (hot beverages, basic hairdressing services) to attract new customers who will bring their friends or spread the good word in their circles. Therefore, the app presents a unique opportunity to showcase your activities, as your free service is only acquired when the customer actually walks through your door. All providers will be featured in the app free of charge.

How can you participate?

You can use the online form join.bulevar.eu to let us know which and how many prizes you are willing to offer. The Arctur team will send you a unique QR code and promotional materials, as well as provide all the information necessary. This is how you will become a part of the united cross-border story, while also profiting from the European Capital of Culture.

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