

Check out our borderless sports weekend

Čaka nas čezmejni športni vikend

Tour of Slovenia, regatta Muggia-Portorož-Muggia and GO! Games

Join us at the borderless sporting events planned for this weekend!

The third stage of the Tour of Slovenia will finish in Nova Gorica tomorrow, 14 June, at 3pm, and the itinerary will also cross the national border. More information here: LINK 

GO! Games, an inter-neighbourhood game which will also include a treasure hunt, is taking place tomorrow in Gorizia and partly also in Nova Gorica. The participants will meet at 2.30 in Piazza Vittoria in Gorizia. More information here: LINK

Sailing enthusiasts will also be able to have their fun on Saturday and Sunday. The cross-border regatta M-P-M Hybrid & Traditional (Muggia-Portorož-Muggia) will also feature the Barraonda, the sailing boat of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia. More information here: LINK

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