

Fashion creations by Matea Benedetti at the Venice Biennale

Fashion creations by Matea Benedetti at the Venice Biennale

Matea Benedetti presented her creations at the 81st Venice Biennale.

The award-winning fashion designer dressed South African actress Tarina Patel. As a speaker at the festival, Patel wore Slovenian creations on Venice’s biggest stage. The first, green dress was made of old electronic chips, raising awareness of the importance of recycling and reusing old materials in luxury fashion. The second, golden dress was made of pineapple leather.

The world-renowned designer and founder of Benedetti Life fashion brand is considered a pioneer of sustainable luxury fashion. Her goal is to spread awareness of the damage the fashion industry is causing to our planet. Devoted to bringing fashion back to nature, she is using sustainable and recycled materials that contribute to a greener future.

We are proud to announce that Benedetti Life creations will be presented within GO! 2025 projects. Together, we will shape a fashion future with no impact on nature.

Photo: Sara Rman

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