

GO! 2025 theatre projects in the 2024/2025 season

GO! 2025 theatre projects in the 2024/2025 season

This week, the Slovene National Theatre (SNG) Nova Gorica unveiled its programme for the 2024/2025 season.

This week, the Slovene National Theatre (SNG) Nova Gorica unveiled its programme for the 2024/2025 season, presented by managing director Mirjam Drnovšček, artistic director Marko Bratuš, artistic consultant of GO! 2025 Neda Rusjan Bric, directors Tomi Janežič and Nina Šorak, as well as dramaturgs Martina Mrhar and Ana Kržišnik Blažica. Seven premieres are announced, three of which are part of the official programme of the European Capital of Culture 2025 Nova Gorica - Gorizia.  

In November 2024, we will premiere In Search of the Lost Language, the second part of the project and the trilogy of the same name, Unable to Die/Inabili alla morte, based on the book The Capuchin Crypt (Joseph Roth). The screenplay was written by Goran Vojnović and directed by Janusz Kica. The first part of Unable to Die, The Capuchin Crypt, co-produced with the Italian Mittelfest, premiered in May this year, and next year the trilogy will be completed with a play based on a script by writer Paolo Di Paolo.

The only dance premiere in the SNG's next season will take place in January 2025, with Prometej MN Dance Company, choreographed by Michal Rynia and Nastja Bremec Rynia. The performance is co-produced with Cankarjev dom Ljubljana and will be performed by an ensemble created with the help of GO! 2025.

The third theatre project is part of the Destin(y)ation series of twelve performances prepared by director Tomi Janežič for the European Capital of Culture. This time, the year is 1973 (the first premiere was in 1978 in Timișoara, Romania), and it is an original project with the participation of writer and playwright Simona Semenič.  

We invite you to attend all three performances, but don't forget to check out the full programme of the SNG Nova Gorica – you can also secure a season ticket until 28 June.  

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