

Transalpina/Europe Square at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Piazza Transalpina alla fiera del libro di Francoforte

GO! 2025 at the Frankfurter Buchmesse

At the Frankfurt Book Fair taking place these days, GO! 2025 is also among the protagonists, in one of the halls overlooking the main square of the Italian Pavilion. In the room dedicated to the European Capital of Culture, Piazza Transalpina/Trg Evrope, the common square, has indeed come to life. On the walls, the documentary Spovednica tihotapcev/Confessionale dei contrabbandieri by Anja Medved (Kinoatelje), an immersive video with images of the two cities of Gorizia made by videomaker Davide Bernardis using Point Cloud technology, and the trailers of the short films of the Corti senza confine competition. The set-up is the result of a collaboration: the design is by Studio Butmaybe, coordinated by Creaa for GECT GO in dialogue with Stefano Boeri Architetti, who curated the entire Italian pavilion.


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