
Free distribution of GO! 2025 promotional gadgets for businesses in Gorizia and Nova Gorica

Free distribution of GO! 2025 promotional gadgets for businesses in Gorizia and Nova Gorica

Nova Gorica and Gorizia are about to experience a very special year, and the direct involvement of local activities will be crucial in order to properly welcome the visitors during the year of GO! 2025.

Precisely for this reason, already starting from September 2024, the EGTC GO - European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation of Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba will implement a series of actions to actively involve public businesses and accommodation facilities.

Business owners can book at this link, opens in a new window to receive a free kit of gadgets branded European Capital of Culture, to be used in their premises, for employees, collaborators and customers. The promotional kit is designed to make support for GO! 2025 recognisable and visible and contains the following: T-shirts, coasters, wristbands, pins, stickers and tourist brochures. Each business will only be able to receive one free promotional kit in this first phase, and to request it, simply fill in an online form.

Interested parties will receive a confirmation by e-mail from 18 September and must collect the kit in person. Distribution will officially start on 20 September 2024, following the order in which requests are received.
In this first phase priority will be given to catering establishments and those with a tourist vocation, but all commercial activities in Gorizia and Nova Gorica are invited to express their interest because - should they not be included in the first distribution due to exhaustion of stocks - they will be included in the subsequent rounds.

In addition to the distribution of materials in the cities, the online engagement plan also continues.
The borderless digital map created for the visitors of the European Capital of Culture (available at www.go2025.eu/it/discover/mappa-transfrontaliera) is opening up to the territory. Thanks to the cooperation with Italian and Slovenian stakeholders, EGTC GO has already included many accommodation facilities, bars and restaurants in the official platform of the event, but now it is possible for all others to ask to be included. In this case too, all that is needed is to fill in an online form to submit the request (‘Take part’).
Finally, for those running a website, a digital GO! Borderless, ideal for customising your own page and supporting the event online.



From November 2024, associations and non-profit organisations in the cross-border territory can also apply to receive a free GO! 2025 gadget kit. Registration is open via the form at this, opens in a new window link to participate in the next planned distributions in 2025, subscribe to mailing lists and to receive the GO! Borderless digital banner.

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