The Slovenian Animated Film Association opens the new international call for participation in the DSAF Inkubator programme.
The Slovenian Animated Film Association opens the new international call for participation in the DSAF Inkubator programme, aimed at:
- Animation projects in the development phase by students.
- First or second animated projects in the development phase by emerging authors.
DSAF Inkubator is an international project that aims to encourage young animation film authors to develop and realize their projects in the best way through collaboration with production companies, and under the guidance of established authors and producers. The purpose of the programme is to train young talents, provide them with the creative and productive conditions to become professionals, and support their recognition in the animation industry at the national and international levels.
Young talents with an animation project in the development phase from the following countries can participate: Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Applications can be submitted no later than June 25, 2024, to the email address info@dsaf.si, including:
- Biography and any filmography of the author
- Photo of the author (resolution 300 dpi, RGB, format .jpg or .tiff)
- Motivational letter
Presentation materials for projects in progress must include:
- Script Director's vision
- Art design (including at least one presentation image with a resolution of 300 dpi, RGB, format .jpg or .tiff)
- Storyboard or draft storyboard
- Chronological table
- In case of videos, animation tests, or animatics (link to YouTube, Vimeo, or Dropbox)
- Any other relevant information for a complete project presentation
For more information, click here.