This short animation workshop is intended as an artistic exchange between artists who are skilled in different types of animation under the camera.
The starting point for the workshop is Naomi van Niekerk, a South African artist living in France, who will be artist in residence in Slovenia in September. Naomi works primarily in sand-on-table animation and her filmography includes a number of short animated films, e.g. Box Cutters (2023), My mamma is bossies (2017), which have been screened worldwide. Naomi is an internationally acclaimed artist whose work is based on sensitive interpretations of poems by South African authors, in which she finds inspiration.
The workshop schedule will be designed to give each participant the opportunity to share their working methods and their secrets on how they compose visuals and/or animate.
Dates: 2-4 September 2024
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Number of participants: 3-5
Experience: advanced knowledge of animation is required, with previous work on an animation table.
No registration fee. Lunch provided during the programme dates.
Registration deadline: 15 August 2024
Send your application to info@dsaf.si with:
- Email Subject: Peer2Peer
- Short CV
- Motivation letter to attend the workshop (1/2 page)
Presentation by artist in residence Naomi van Niekerk can be found here.
The Animation Hub is part of the official GO! 2025 programme, organised by the Slovenian Society of Animated Film (DSAF) and the University of Nova Gorica (School of Arts)